Inglês, perguntado por erysonaugustine13, 11 meses atrás

Write a sentence about your future career, using each of the following verbs. Be sure to use the pattern verb + to + verb. An example has been done for you.

e.g. Promise → I promise to help my monther after school.

1. Manage →
2. Choose →
3. Want →
4. Help →
5. Have →
6. Decide →
7. Try →
8. Hope →

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luisnrt
I´m managing to start a business on sales.
I chose to leave my town in order to reach better training for my sales skills
I want to know everything about marketing
My father helped me to understand that I have this business gift
I have to do my best for it
I decided to become a reference 
I will try to not disapoint my parents
I hope to make them proud of me
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