Inglês, perguntado por eloisapaviani, 9 meses atrás

Wizard review 1 teens 2


Wesleyr48: É pra escrever uma conversa sobre o que? qualquer coisa? Você pode enviar uma foto das questões anteriores?
eloisapaviani: As questões anteriores falam sobre outra coisa
eloisapaviani: First day of class: Primeiro dia de aula

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ndahora


- Hi, my name is Eric, is that the room 5?

- Yes, it is! Nice to meet you, Eric. My name is Peter.

- Nice to meet you too, Peter. I lost my schedule, do you know what are we going to study now?

- Of course, we are going to have math class now.

- Oh my God, I just hate math class.

- So do I my friend, so do I.


Respondido por renatamira2323


hi my name is Eric like to play soccer with my friends, i study english at Wizard,for breakfast i like to eat bread with ham for lunch i like the eat tive with jeans and potato and for dinner i like to eat Bean stey and at night i like to watch movies with my min and on weekends i stay at home

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