Wizard Homework 70 t4
Soluções para a tarefa
Presumindo que seja o exercício anexado...
a. Did they deliver the student visas two weeks ago?
b. Did I try different kind of dishes on my last trip?
c. Was there enough soda for the birthday party?
d. Were there leftover on the kitchen table?
e. Did Tom pay the bill at the restaurant last night?
f. Did the students have a meal with the coach yesterday?

A) they didin't delivery the student visas two weeks ago
B) i didin't try different kind of dishes on my last trip
C) There wasn't enough soda for the birthday party
D) There weren't leftovers on the kichen table
E) Tom didn't pay the bill at the restauran last night
F) The students didn't have a meal with thr coach uesterday
quando o VERBO na frase estiver no PASSADO e n tem verbo to be ( was e were) usaremos o verbo auxiliar (did, didin't), mas quando a FRASE tiver o VERBO TO BE so passamos ele para o passado (wasn't e weren't) *LEMBRANDO QUE ESTAMOS FALANDO DO PASSADO*