Inglês, perguntado por camilasanches278, 11 meses atrás

Will they buy a new house? (Eles comprarão uma casa nova?)
Will + sujeito + verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to + complemento

I think in the future astronauts will discover new habitable planets,
People will live on a different planet or on satelites.
The carth will then heal and recover some of its natural resources,
We will have our own spaceship: just like the movies,
The future can be awesome.
Melissa, 13 years old

Observe as regras do SIMPLE FUTURE acima e retire do texto x frases que estejam no

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amitypft


I think in the future astronauts will discover new habitable planets,

People will live on a different planet or on satelites.

The carth will then heal and recover some of its natural resources,

We will have our own spaceship


Acho q tds essas frases estão no futuro, bjinhos bons estudos

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