Inglês, perguntado por brunoabrão, 8 meses atrás

Why Connectivity is Crucial for the Prosperity of Developing Nations

[…] Imagine how your job was performed 20 years ago. No doubt it has been transformed by digital communications. Maybe it didn’t even exist before the developed world went online.

Now imagine all that went away. No smartphones, no apps, no Internet. I expect you could get used to reading TV schedules again to find your favorite shows. But all the time you’d spend waiting for letters to travel through the mail or standing in line at the bank would have a tremendous economic cost. Superimpose that picture on a developing country, and you multiply the economic cost many times over.

Connectivity is a crucial factor in the future prosperity of developing nations. In sub-Saharan Africa, 240 million people are entirely without connectivity. That shuts them out of more than the services and application they are directly denied. Broadband access in developing countries often functions as a substitute for nonexistent physical infrastructure and transport links. It is also a way to extend financial services to people who can’t reach a bank, allowing them to carry out current account transactions through their PC or mobile phone. The same is true of agricultural, social security, health and educational services.

That is why extending connectivity worldwide has long been a priority for both Europe and the U.S. […]

By Werner Hoyer, The New York Times. Available at:
<>. Accessed on: April 20, 2016. (Fragment)

Em seu artigo, a conclusão de Werner Hoyer de que a ampla conectividade tem sido há muito uma prioridade, tanto nos Estados Unidos quanto na Europa, está fundamentada no fato de a conectividade

forçar as pessoas ao uso constante de smartphones e aplicativos digitais.

compensar a falta de infraestrutura física e proporcionar conveniências.

viabilizar a existência de profissões com atuação puramente digital.

permitir que várias profissões ainda existam 20 anos após serem criadas.

estender os serviços bancários a quem não pode ter uma conta bancária.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por toddysra12


Alternativa B


"[...] Broadband access in developing countries often functions as a substitute for nonexistent physical infrastructure and transport links", que na tradução livre significa "O acesso à internet geralmente funciona como um substituto para infra-estrutura física que é inexistente e  ligações de transporte"

brunoabrão: muito obrigado
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