Inglês, perguntado por MariaL18237, 6 meses atrás

Whoopi Goldberg in her youth struggled
with learning; labeled “dumb” and “lazy” she
became a high school dropout at the age of 17.
With low self-esteem, she became involved in
drugs. She overcame all this to have the most
amazing career as an actress, comedian, television
host and author. She has won an Emmy Award, a
Grammy Award, an Academy Award, and a Tony

What were Whoopi’s keys to success? Her quote “Normal is nothing more than a
cycle on a washing machine.” Whoopi Goldberg. When Goldberg realized she had learning
dyslexia and it prevented her from succeeding in school it was life changing for her.
When you ask her how she thinks dyslexia affected her, Goldberg says, “I think
perhaps it made me more introspective and made me more thoughtful, maybe slightly slower
in how I do things because it takes me a minute sometimes to figure things out.” She also says
how thinking differently has helped her succeed.

Fortunately for Goldberg, she had a mother who told her that she wasn’t stupid and could
grow up to be and do anything she wanted. She herself realized she couldn’t be stupid
because, as she says, “If you read to me, I could tell you everything you read.” She says she
still likes to be read to. Her mother’s attitude, coupled with her own determination, took her
off welfare and drugs and drove her to succeed.
Whoopi Goldberg is one example of many who struggle with learning and have been
labeled as “dumb” or “lazy”. Unfortunately, even in 2014, the statistics show that high school
students with Learning Disabilities, dyslexia dropout rate on average is higher and their
graduation rate is 20 percent lower than the national average.
Dyslexia is a complex disorder not fully understood, stigmatized and misunderstood in
many schools, but we hope one day it will be more studied and understood. Approximately
25%-40 % of children with ADHD also have dyslexia.

Podemos concluir através do texto que:

a) Whoopi se desespera ao lembrar que a dislexia é parte de sua vida, mas é feliz por sua mãe

tentar ter a ajudado.

b) Apesar de não se conhecer muito sobre este quadro, é possível, através de apoio de outras

pessoas e de autoconhecimento driblar possíveis prejuízos que a dislexia causa.

c) A dislexia apenas afeta crianças pequenas e é passageira na maioria dos casos,

permanecendo apenas de 20% a 40% de quem nasceu com a característica.

d) A dislexia, apesar de transtornos que pode causar, ajuda as pessoas que pretendem seguir

carreira artística por elas desenvolverem outras habilidades.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por HugoOliveirak0


with learning; labeled “dumb” and “lazy” she

became a high school dropout at the age of 17.

With low self-esteem, she became involved in

drugs. She overcame all this to have the most

amazing career as an actress, comedian, television

host and author. She has won an Emmy Award, a

Grammy Award, an Academy Award, and a Tony


What were Whoopi’s keys to success? Her quote “Normal is nothing more than a

cycle on a washing machine.” Whoopi Goldberg. When Goldberg realized she had learning

dyslexia and it prevented her from succeeding in school it was life changing for her.

When you ask her how she thinks dyslexia affected her, Goldberg says, “I think

perhaps it made me more introspective and made me more thoughtful, maybe slightly slower

in how I do things because it takes me a minute sometimes to figure things out.” She also says

how thinking differently has helped her succeed.

Fortunately for Goldberg, she had a mother who told her that she wasn’t stupid and could

grow up to be and do anything she wanted. She herself realized she couldn’t be stupid

because, as she says, “If you read to me, I could tell you everything you read.” She says she

still likes to be read to. Her mother’s attitude, coupled with her own determination, took her

off welfare and drugs and drove her to succeed.

Whoopi Goldberg is one example of many who struggle with learning and have been

labeled as “dumb” or “lazy”. Unfortunately, even in 2014, the statistics show that high school

students with Learning Disabilities, dyslexia dropout rate on average is higher and their

graduation rate is 20 percent lower than the national average.

Dyslexia is a complex disorder not fully understood, stigmatized and misunderstood in

many schools, but we hope one day it will be more studied and understood. Approximately

25%-40 % of children with ADHD also have dyslexia.


tradução do texto :

HugoOliveirak0: calma agora vou postar a tradução
HugoOliveirak0: com aprendizagem; rotulada de "burra" e "preguiçosa" ela
abandonou o ensino médio aos 17 anos.
Com baixa autoestima, ela se envolveu em
drogas. Ela superou tudo isso para ter mais
incrível carreira como atriz, comediante, televisão
hospedeiro e autor. Ela ganhou um prêmio Emmy, um
Prêmio Grammy, um Prêmio da Academia e um Tony
HugoOliveirak0: Quais foram as chaves para o sucesso do Whoopi? Sua citação “Normal não é nada mais do que um
ciclo em uma máquina de lavar. ” Whoopi Goldberg. Quando Goldberg percebeu que tinha aprendido
dislexia e que a impediu de ter sucesso na escola foi uma mudança de vida para ela.
HugoOliveirak0: Quando você pergunta a ela como ela acha que a dislexia a afetou, Goldberg diz: “Eu acho
talvez tenha me tornado mais introspectivo e mais pensativo, talvez um pouco mais lento
em como faço as coisas porque às vezes levo um minuto para entender as coisas. ” Ela também diz
como pensar de forma diferente a ajudou a ter sucesso.

Felizmente para Goldberg, ela tinha uma mãe que lhe disse que ela não era estúpida e que poderia
crescer para ser e fazer tudo o que ela quisesse.
HugoOliveirak0: Ela mesma percebeu que não podia ser estúpida
porque, como ela diz, “Se você ler para mim, eu poderia te contar tudo o que você lê”. Ela diz que ela
ainda gosta de ser lido. A atitude de sua mãe, juntamente com sua própria determinação, a levou
fora do bem-estar e das drogas e a levou ao sucesso.
MariaL18237: e a alternativa certa e qual
HugoOliveirak0: vishhh
HugoOliveirak0: eu n se1
MariaL18237: ai misericordia
mefudilegal11: ai se Ronan fica sabendo
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