Inglês, perguntado por marcosateamponchon00, 10 meses atrás

Who works at the hospital? *
2 pontos
I ___ drinking my orange juice. *
2 pontos
Em português as seguinte profissões : accountant, postman, plumber, correspondem à: *
3 pontos
assessor, carteiro, bombeiro
contador, porteiro, encanador
contador, carteiro, encanador
Is it necessary to take some courses in order to work on a cruise? *
2 pontos
Yes, it is.
No, it isn't.
Na frase: “WHY ___ I EVEN BOTHER?” - Na terceira pessoa com o sujeito no masculino, a frase ficaria: *
3 pontos
Why do he/she even bother?
Why does he/she even bother?
Why did he/she even bother?
Why doesn´t he/she even bother?
A babysitter _____ know that she/he _______ open the door if someone he/she does not know want to come in. If the person doesn’t go away, he’ll/she’ll ____________call the police. *
3 pontos
must / mustn’t / has to
mustn’t / must / have to
have to / must / mustn’t
must / has to / has to
As profissões: motorista, padeiro, pedreiro, vendedor e professor em inglês correspondem à: *
3 pontos
bus driver, plumber, maison, salesman, teacher
cab driver, cleaner, doctor, eletrician, professor
driver, baker, maison, salesman, teacher.
When______she study English? *
3 pontos
What does the word “must” mean in:“All students must have travel health insurance before departure.”? *
3 pontos
It is recommended.
It is not necessary.
It is mandatory.
Who works on a farm? *
2 pontos
Students ___________ to wear uniforms, but they ___________ respect the property and equipment of the school and others. Every student _______be serious, honest, responsible, polite, and neat in appearance. In Japan, students _________ forget to sweep the hall floors before they go home at the end of the day. *
3 pontos
must / had to / have to / must
have / must / has to / mustn’t
has / must / have to / mustn’t
must to / mustn’t / has to / must
She is ___ in the river. *
3 pontos
Marque a forma interrogativa da frase, considerando o tempo verbal - Present Continuous: *
3 pontos
Carol is listening to music?
Does Carol listen to music?
Is Carol listen to music?
A tradução correta para as seguintes profissões : cleaner, librarian, waiter, é: *
3 pontos
faxineiro, bibliotecário, escritor
faxineiro, bibliotecário, garçon
faxineiro, vendedor, garçon
They.........._stop drinking so much beer here. *
2 pontos
have to
has to
Desembaralhe a sentença: ENGLISH / I AM / RIGHT NOW / STUDYING. *
3 pontos
I am studying right now English.
I am not studying English right now.
I am studying English right now.
English right now I am studying.
Considere a frase " The cat is sleeping."e marque a alternativa que apresenta a sua forma negativa e interrogativa, corretamente: *
4 pontos
The cat aren’t sleeping./ The cat is sleeping?
The cat isn't sleeping. / Is the cat sleeping?
The cat sleeping./ Sleeping is the cat?
The cat not sleeping. Is the cat sleeping?
A frase que tem o mesmo sentido que: “Students should apply for a passport as soon asthey are accepted in the program.” , é: *
3 pontos
Students have to apply for a passport as soon as they are accepted into the program.
It is recommended for students to apply for a passport as soon as they are accepted in the program.
Students can apply for a passport whenever they want.
Students must not do anything as soon as they are accepted into the program.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Happybr56


Who works at the hospital? ''Doctor''

I am drinking my orange juice.

Em português as seguintes profissões:

3 pontos:

Contador, porteiro, encanador.

Is it necessary to take some courses in order to work on a cruise?:

Yes, it is.

Na frase: ''WHY _ I EVEN BROTHER

Why does he/she even brother?

A babysitter must know that she/he have to open the door if someone he/she does not know want to come in. If the person doesn't go away, he'll/she'll has to call the police.

As prfissões: motorista, padeiro, pedreiro, vendedor e professor em inglês correspondem à:

Driver, baker, maison, salesman, teacher.

When did she study English?

What does the word ''must'' mean in: ''All students must have travel health insurance before departure.''? *

It is recommended.

Who works on a farm?


Students have to wear uniforms, but they must respect the property and equipment of the school and others. Every student has to be serious, honest, responsible, polite, and neat in appearance. In Japan, students mustn't forget to sweep the hall floors before they go home atthe end of theday.

She is swimming in the river.

Marque a forma interrogativa da frase, considerando o tempo verbal

Carol is listening to music? Present

Does Carol listen to music? Passado

Is Carol listen to music? Futuro

A tradução correta para as seguintes profissões: cleaner, librarian, waiter é:

faxineiro, blibliotecário, garçon.

They have to stop drinking so much beer here.

Desembaralhe a sentença:

I am studying English right now.

Considere a frase '' The cat is sleeping. ''e marque a alternativa que apresenta a sua forma negativa e interrogativa, corretamente:*

The cat isn't sleeping/ Is the cat sleeping?

It is recommended for students to apply for a passport as soon as they are accepted in the program.

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