While the U.S. and other countries are debating the potential value of a universal face
mask rule in combating the spread of coronavirus, here in the Czech Republic that debate was
settled weeks ago: it absolutely works!
Last month, at the earliest appearance of Covid-19 cases in this central European
country of 10 million, the Czech government was among the first on the continent to shut down
all non-essential businesses, impose severe restrictions on public gatherings, and close its
borders. This society quickly adopted the physical-distancing and hand-washing régimen that
has now become standard all over the world. But what sets the Czech Republic apart from
almost every other country in Europe was the decision two weeks ago to require everyone to
wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth at all times outside the home.
As an American living in Prague, I was impressed by the reaction of Czechs and foreign
residents alike to this draconian measure. People here clearly understood the importance of
preserving the supply of professional medical/surgical masks for health care providers and first
responders. So without complaint, the entire nation transformed itself almost overnight into a
giant factory churning out home made masks. Thousands of individuals and businesses
immediately began sewing masks out of a variety of fabrics. Dozens of video tutorials for
producing make shift respiratory masks appeared on the Internet in Czech and English. Within
three days, there were enough masks for every man, woman, and child in this country of 10
Today, when I venture out to walk my dog, I rarely see anyone on the streets of Prague
without a face mask. Despite the inconvenience and discomfort of having to breathe through
a mask, it hasbecome a badgeof honor and a form of social bonding to have one’s nose and
mouth covered. Wearing a mask is a signal of each person’s willingness to play his or her part
in this epic battle against the pandemic. Those who defy the law by carelessly pulling down
their masks to drink a coffee or smoke a cigarette are subject to a hefty fine and also run the
risk of being confronted and ostracized by fellow citizens. The government has now banned cigarette smoking outside, for this reason. With few exceptions — there are fools everywhere
— it appears that most people here have embraced the universal face mask rule with a
philosophy of shared determination and collective responsibility for preventing the coronavírus
from ravaging this country.
But is it working? We all know that the original guidance from the World Health
Organization held that face masks should not be used to protect against the virus, but there is
now strong evidence that this advice was based more on the urgent need to preserve the supply
of medical masks for health care providers rather than on any consideration of whether masks
of any sort might offer some added protection for ordinary citizens, in addition to physical-
distancing and hand-washing. Numerous experts have written recently that even a simple home
made cotton mask covering the nose and mouth could help to block some of the micro droplets
carrying coronavirus.
The Czech government has disseminated a persuasive video arguing that home made
masks go a long way towards preventing contagious people from coughing broadly into the air
and infecting healthy ones — and that universal use of face coverings will dramatically reduce
the infection rate. The Czech motto is “your mask protects me, my mask protects you”.
There are clear indications that the extreme measures being enforced here —
particularly the universal face mask requirement — are keeping down the per capita numbers
of those who have tested positive for coronavirus, compared to many neighboring countries
such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and of course Spain and Italy. So far, the Czech
Republic has had fewer than 50 deaths from Covid-19. But more importantly, the percentage
of new cases each day among those tested appears to be dropping. In other words, the Czech
across-the-board face mask rule is beginning to “flatten the curve”, as has happened in China,
Taiwan, South Korea, and other places where masks are widely used.
Czech officials hope to persuade other countries to follow their lead on face masks. Last
month, the Czech prime minister, Andrej Babiš, sent out the following tweet addressed to
President Trump: “Mr. President… try tackling virus the Czech way. Wearing a simple cloth
mask, decreases the spread of the virus by 80%! Czech Republic has made it OBLIGATORY
for its citizens to wear a mask in the public. Plsre tweet. God bless America” .
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