Inglês, perguntado por claudiaprevi, 9 meses atrás

Which of the alternatives has the words that complete the paragraph below.? Could you please explain your answer to me? Why didn't you choose another alternative? Please explain it to me using grammatical rules?

Which of the alternatives has the words that complete the paragraph below?
If I ________that job offer, many things _______.However, there is no way to know how my life_______today. After all, that is all supposition.

a) would've / accepted / would / have / happened / would / be
b) have / accepted / should / have / happened / would / be
c) had / accepted / could / have / happened / would / be
d) had / accepted / would / have / happened / can / be

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

If I had accepted that job offer, many things could have happened. However, there is no way to know how my life would be today. [...]

All you've gotta know to get the right answer to this question is to know how to use the third conditional, which has the following structure: if + past perfect , would/could/might + have + past participle.

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