Inglês, perguntado por dudafarias2705, 9 meses atrás

Where will you be? Write sentences about yourself. Use: I'll be ......or I'll probably be ...…or I don't know where I'll be. 1. (at 10 o'clock tomorrow) I’ll probably be on the beach. OR I don’t know where I’ll be. 2. (one hour from now) 3. (at midnight tonight) 4. (at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon) 5. (two years from now)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fabianatobiaspbkccq

Olá, as respostas são pessoais. Talvez vc precise modificar, pois não sei sua rotina.

1. I'll be at school at 10 o'clock tomorrow. (eu estarei na escola as 10 horas amanhã)

2. I'll be here one hour from now. (eu estarei aqui daqui há uma hora)

3. I'll be at home at midnight tonight (eu estarei em casa hoje a meia note)

4. I'll probably be at store at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon (eu provavelmente estarei na loja as 3 horas da tarde de amanhã)

5. I don't know where I'll be two years from now. (eu não sei onde eu estarei daqui há 2 anos)

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