When children are 5 years old their education begins with kindergarten. The elementary school, traditionally grades one through eight, is usually called junior high school. It is followed by senior high school, grades nine through twelve. Students are given diplomas when they graduate from high school. The lack of this diploma is a handicap in the job Market. Before graduation, students begin to visit colleges of their preference and send them transcripts and tests scores. Four or more applications are sent to different institutions by each student. College-preparatory courses are offered to those students who plan to enter a university. They also take a battery of tests required for entrance into a higher educational level. Admissions directors are interested not only in the students’ scores, but also in their all-round interests, such as sports, extra-curricular activities, places they have been, things they have done. Eventually, toward the end of their senior year, acceptances or rejections are sent them back. The college offers a four-year program, leading to a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts), or B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) degree. Students are called undergraduates, and are classified to their year of study: freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. 1- Cite, em inglês, o nome das três etapas pelas quais passa o aluno nos EUA antes de se preparar para entrar na faculdade. _______________________________________________________________
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Kindergarden (begins when the kid is 5 y/o), junior high school/middle school (grades 1 - 8) and senior high school (grades 9 - 12).
Kindergarden é basicamente o pré no Brasil, onde as crianças vão a partir dos 5 anos, e ficam 2 anos em média.
Middle School é o ensino fundamental, do 1° ano até o 9°, no caso nos EUA eles não tem esse último ano.
High School é o ensino médio, a diferença é o fato de que no Brasil são três anos, enquanto nos EUA são quatro anos, esse último sendo o Senior Year, o ano antes de faculdade para quem pretende se graduar no ensino superior.
Espero muito ter ajudado! Bons estudos!
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