Inglês, perguntado por cauamartins97, 9 meses atrás

What textual genre does this text belong to? *

beatrizpozzetti2: eu preciso do texto para poder responder
cauamartins97: Peter - Hi, Tony! Where are the boys and the girls? What are they doing now?

Tony - The boys are playing in the club. Fred and Jim are playing tennis. Paul and Ted are playing football.

Peter - And the girls? Where are they? Are they playing, too?

Tony - Oh, no! They’re listening to music and dancing. And Monica is reading a fashion magazine.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por virescandiel


Tradução:A que gênero textual pertence este texto? *


Mais que texto?

cauamartins97: Peter - Hi, Tony! Where are the boys and the girls? What are they doing now?

Tony - The boys are playing in the club. Fred and Jim are playing tennis. Paul and Ted are playing football.

Peter - And the girls? Where are they? Are they playing, too?

Tony - Oh, no! They’re listening to music and dancing. And Monica is reading a fashion magazine.
cauamartins97: News, Announce, Dialogue,
Open letter, qual dessas??
Respondido por beatrizpozzetti2

oii, espero ajudar!

This text belongs to a textual genre of narrative.

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