what is the use of condom
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Condoms are the best way to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy. Condoms are a barrier contraceptive made from latex rubber, a synthetic rubber called polyisoprene, or a very thin plastic called polyurethane.
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Condoms are the best way to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy. Condoms are a barrier contraceptive made from latex rubber, a synthetic rubber called polyisoprene, or a very thin plastic called polyurethane.
Os preservativos são a melhor maneira de se proteger contra infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) e gravidez indesejada. Os preservativos são um contraceptivo de barreira feito de borracha de látex, uma borracha sintética chamada poliisopreno ou um plástico muito fino chamado poliuretano.