Inglês, perguntado por juh25131, 7 meses atrás

What is gender inequality?


While there are very distinct biological differences between boys and girls and these can create different needs and capacities for each, these differences do not in themselves lead to or justify unequal social status or rights. The distinct roles and behaviors that are defined for boys and girls, and men and women in a society may give rise to gender inequalities, differences between men and women that systematically favor one group.

Gender can be a key determination of who does what, who decides, who has the power, and even who gets an education or not. In many societies, boys are seen as the ones who should be educated, while girls are not.

UNICEF states that gender equality means that women and men, and girls and boys enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. Gender inequality arises when one group is seen in a society a having more rights than the other (...)

1-The opposite of the word “inequality” in the title of the text is?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por biakook90

olha não tem nada relacionado a isso no titulo do texto mas equality é o oposto de inequality.

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