Inglês, perguntado por gabriel900k, 1 ano atrás

What are the meanings of the sentences below: permission, request, suggestion, deduction or wish:

Luiz1Rds: Por meaning você quer dizer a tradução e o significado em Português?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Marcialucy
permission :
authorization granted to do something; formal consent

 To express a desire for, especially politely; ask for. Often used with an infinitive or clause.

suggestion :
an idea, plan, or action that is suggested or the act of suggesting it.

deduction: the process ofreaching a decision or answer bythinking about the known facts, or the decision that is reached.

to want to do something; used to express anger at someone's behaviour; to hope or express hope for another person's success or happinessor pleasure on a particularoccasion:
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