Inglês, perguntado por flaviodocio570, 3 meses atrás

Welcome to: The Chef's Special! Hey! Good Morning! My name is Antonio and I would like to introduce myself I am a great cook! I love to prepare all kinds of food: meat, fish, pie and Salads I studied business in college so this will come in handy at my beach restaurant Besides that, I also like to play sports like: Running, swimming, and playing soccer This week I'm having lunch to start the restaurant that will be called: The Chef's (Special! You are invited! Goodbye!

1) quais cumprimentos ou saudações são apresentados no texto?( escreva em ingles seguindo da tradução para o português)

2) Retire do texto os verbos em inglês:

mim ajudem pfvr !!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vitoriavivirb

1) Welcome (bem-vindos), Hey (eai), Good Morning (bom dia), Goodbye (adeus).

2) introduce, like, love, prepare, studied, play, running, swimming, playing, having, am, start, be, called, are, invited.

flaviodocio570: ufaa vc mim ajudou mt
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