Inglês, perguntado por thamiresshcw, 7 meses atrás

Você gosta de ler ou ouvir jokes, piadas? Leia texto/ joke abaixo e responda as questões; Preparations

A very rich farmer had sent one of his sons to study at a university in a big city. But he rich farmer‘s son had never lived in a big city before and he had not resisted it many attractions. He had spent most of his days at the beach and most of his night at nightclubs, and he had not found much timer to study.
So, when the young man took his final examinations, he didn’t pass. The young man knew that his father would be angry with him, so he sent a telegram to his brother. In the telegram had asked his brother to prepare Father for the bad news.
Two days later, the young man received the following answer:
“ Father is prepare. Now prepare yourself”


farmer: fazendeiro ,sent: enviar, had: ter, spent: gastar, before: antes, most: maioria, nightclubs: boates, found: encontrar, much: muito,took: terminar, young man: jovem, knew : saber, would be: ficaria, angry: bravo,sent : enviar,sent : noticias, following : seguinte, answer: resposta ,prepare: preparar, yourself: você mesmo

3- Observe os conectivos, linking words presentes no texto e responda:

a) But he rich farmer‘s son had never lived in a big city before” Uso de But significa:

1-Conjunção Adversativa, com ideia OPOSTA

2-Conjunção conclusiva, para CONCLUIR frases:

3-Conjunção Explicativa, para EXPLICAR algo:

b) So, when the young man took his final examinations, linking words usado indica;

1-Conjunção Adicional que: Serve para ADICIONAR informação

2-Conjunção Adversativa, com ideia OPOSTA

3-Conjunção conclusiva, para CONCLUIR frases:

cunhacp: Não gosto

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Rubiamarconn


3,a) 3- Conclusão Explicativa, para EXPLICAR algo.

b) 1- Conclusão Adicional, que serve para ADICIONAR informação

Espero ter ajudado.

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