Inglês, perguntado por liliaceleste420, 3 meses atrás

Victor está contando a Pauline sobre um problema. Complete seus arrependimentos com a forma correta dos verbos. Usando simple past our past perfect

Victor: I had a really bad argument with Alex yesterday. I wish I______(not shout) at him.
Pauline: What did you say?
Victor: I said I wish he_____(not move) to our school and that I wish I_____(not waste) so much time on our friendship. Pauline: Do you really wish he_____(not become) your friend?
Victor: No, of course not. I just wish he_____(ask) me before he took my tablet. If only he_______(say) he wanted to borrow it, I would have given him permission.
Pauline: Why don't you tell him that you wish ...​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alexandreroncada


Victor: I had a really bad argument with Alex yesterday. I wish I didn't shout (not shout) at him.

Pauline: What did you say?

Victor: I said I wish he hadn't moved (not move) to our school and that I wish I hadn't wasted (not waste) so much time on our friendship. Pauline: Do you really wish he didn't become (not become) your friend?

Victor: No, of course not. I just wish he had asked (ask) me before he took my tablet. If only he said (say) he wanted to borrow it, I would have given him permission.

Pauline: Why don't you tell him that you wish ...


Em geral, usamos o Past Perfect quando já há alguma outra ação no passado na mesma frase.

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