Inglês, perguntado por yasminmello021007, 9 meses atrás

verbo to be...
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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por EuSouALiv

i am            i'm          i am not         i'm not            am i?

you are      you're     you are not    you aren't       are you?

he is          he's         he is not        he isn't            is he?

she is        she's        she is not      she isn't           is she?

it is            it's            it is not          it isn't              is it?

we are      we're        we are not     we aren't        are we?

you are     you're       you are not   you aren't       are you?

they are    they're      they are not   they aren't     are they?

Respondido por shiruusans


Mary = She

Tom = He

Jack and I = We

books = it

their sister = they

you and dave = you

our plane = we

cheese = it

cactus = it

parents = they

daisy = she

dolphin = it

polly's familly = she

flowers = it

piano = it

school = it

his daughter = he

milk = it

your children = he

sugar = it

feet = it

bike = it

ann and kate = they

tennis = it

my son = he

mice = it

shop = it

buses = it

popers = it

mr. green = he

his uncle = he

picture = it


Verb to be

you are | you're | you are not | you're not | are you?

she is/he is/it is | she's/he's/it's | she/he/it is not | she's/he's/it's not | is she? is he? is it?

we/ you/hey are | we/you/they're | we/you/they are not | we/you/they're not | are we/you/they?


Am - Is - Are

Para realizar essa parte da atividade utilize essa tabela

I - Am

You - Are

He - Is

She - Is

It - Is

We - Are

You - Are

They - Are


Perceba que eu coloquei esse segundo certos pronomes juntos pois usam o mesmo verbo to be, aí cabe a você encaixar na atividade, ok? espero ter ajudado beiju :^

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