verbo to be afirmativo negativo e interrogativo alguém me ajudaaa isso é pra amanhã

Soluções para a tarefa
Resposta: I am a good student.
Billy and Ruth are doctors.
I and Ryan are policeman.
They are in the kitchen
I am tired.
We are sweethearts.
Her dog is black.
it is cold today.
You are old.
You are an actor.
Bella is not my sister.
She is not my mother.
I am not your brother.
Kevin is not her son.
Bill is not rich.
We are not cousins.
He is not your father.
That flower is not red.
They are not in my house.
It is not sunny today.
You are not american.
I am not very fat
Is Edward a smart boy?
Am i in my car?
are you a teacher?
is it hot today?
Is Betty bealtiful?
Are they ugly?
Are we thin?
Explicação: As que estão respondidas a lápis estão corretas, por isso não coloquei.
Negativa: coloca not depois do verbo to be
Interrogativa: coloca o verbo to be antes de tudo e no final o ponto de interrogação.