Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 8 meses atrás

Veja, a seguir, um comentário feito na internet sobre um filme recente:

This is _______ (good) movie that I saw! And I think is _____ (complete) movie of this director. It evokes a lot of feelings and takes us from laughter to tears. It is also _____ (provocative), because it intends to show how to reconcile with life.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas, utilizando o superlativo dos adjetivos entre parênteses.

Selecione uma alternativa:
the best – the completest – the least provocative.

the better – the most complete – the less provocative.

the best – the completest – the less provocative.

the better – the most complete – the most provocative.

the best – the most complete – the least provocative.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Bruno1470


This is the best (good) movie that I saw! And I think is the most complete (complete) movie of this director. It evokes a lot of feelings and takes us from laughter to tears. It is also the least provocative (provocative), because it intends to show how to reconcile with life.


the best – the most complete – the least provocative.

Espero ter ajudado !!!!!!

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