Inglês, perguntado por jhonatan2000sergio, 10 meses atrás

vcs podem me ajuda ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maxine00


1) On April, 23rd.

2) 7 siblings and 3 children.

3) 37 plays and 154 works.

4) Almost 3,000 words.

jhonatan2000sergio: muito obg
Respondido por juliana9
1- he was born and died on april 23rd.
2- he had 7 siblings and 3 children.
3- that we know of, he wrote 37 plays and 154 works
4- he introduced a total of 884.429 words to the English language

jhonatan2000sergio: obg tbm
jhonatan2000sergio: vc me ajudo muito tbm vlw
juliana9: ndd
jhonatan2000sergio: ;)
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