Inglês, perguntado por xnucleargold, 8 meses atrás

Vamos praticar o que foi explicado aqui sobre as formas negativa e interrogativa.
Change the sentences into Negative and Interrogative forms.

01-) Elisa studies at Unicamp.
N = ___________________________________________________________
I = ____________________________________________________________
02-) I live in Brazil. (Eu moro no Brasil). - verbo to live (morar, viver).
N= ____________________________________________________________
I = _____________________________________________________________
03-) He teaches Spanish at the university. (Ele ensina espanhol na universidade.) - verbo to teach (ensinar).
N = ______________________________________________________________
I = _______________________________________________________________
04-) They prefer Italian food. (Eles preferem comida italiana.) - verbo to prefer (preferir).
N = _______________________________________________________________
I = ________________________________________________________________
05-) My family and I like to go to the beach during the weekends. (Minha família e eu gostamos de ir à praia nos fins
de semana.) - verbo to like (gostar).

N = ________________________________________________________________
I = _________________________________________________________________
06-) My little dog pushes the door when it wants to get in. (Minha cachorrinha empurra a porta quando quer entrar)
- verbo to push (empurrar).
N = _________________________________________________________________
I = __________________________________________________________________
07-) You always arrive late. (Você sempre chega atrasado.) - verbo to arrive (chegar).
N = __________________________________________________________________
I = __________________________________________________________________
08-) Mike goes to the gym on weekends. (Mike vai à academia aos fins de semana.) - verbo to go (ir).
N = __________________________________________________________________
I = ___________________________________________________________________
09-) She fixes her car by herself. (Ela mesma conserta seu carro .) - verbo to fix (consertar).
N = ___________________________________________________________________
I = ____________________________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mepranke
1) N: Elisa doesn’t study at Unicamp.
I: Does Elisa study at Unicamp?

2)N: I don’t live in Brazil.
I: Do I live in Brazil?

3) N: He doesn’t teach Spanish at university.
I: Does he teach Spanish at university?

4) N: They don’t prefer Italian food.
I: Do they prefer Italian food?

5) N: My family and I don’t like to go to the beach during the weekends.
I: Do my family and I like to go to the beach during the weekends?

6) N: My little dog doesn’t push the door when it wants to get in.
I: Does my little dog push the door when it wants to get in?

7) N: You don’t always arrive late.
I: Do you always arrive late?

8) N: Mike doesn’t go to the gym on weekends.
I: Does Mike go to the gym on weekends?

9) N: She doesn’t fix her car by herself.
I: Does she fix her car by herself?
Respondido por nicolaskucera1

As formas negativa e interrogativa das frases em inglês são:

01-) Elisa studies at Unicamp.

N = Elisa doesn't study at Unicamp.

I = Does Elisa study at Unicamp?

02-) I live in Brazil.

N= I don't live in Brazil

I = Do I live in Brazil?

03-) He teaches Spanish at the university.

N = He doesn't teach Spanish at the university

I = Does he teach Spanish at the university?

04-) They prefer Italian food.

N = They don't prefer Italian food.

I = Do they prefer Italian food?

05-) My family and I like to go to the beach during the weekends.

N = My family and I don't like to go to the beach during the weekends.

I = Do my family and I like to go to the beach during the weekends?

06-) My little dog pushes the door when it wants to get in.

N = My little dog doesn't push the door when it wants to get in.

I = Does my little dog push the door when it wants to get in?

07-) You always arrive late.

N = You don't arrive late.

I = Do you always arrive late?

08-) Mike goes to the gym on weekends.

N = Mike doesn't go to the gym on weekends.

I = Does Mike go to the gym on weekends?

09-) She fixes her car by herself.

N = She doesn't fix her car by herself.

I = Does she fix her car by herself?

Simple present

É utilizado para descrever:

  • hábitos
  • fatos
  • eventos de um futuro próximo
  • o momento presente

Regras de conjugação

  • remover o TO (da forma infinitiva)
  • repetir a base do verbo.
  • Exemplo: I like.

A exceção desta regra se dá na conjugação na terceira pessoa do singular.

Terceira pessoa do singular (she,he, it)

(atentar à terminação dos verbos)

  • maioria dos verbos: acrescer um S ao final. Exemplo: She likes;
  • verbos terminados em ss, x, z, ch, sh e o: acrescer ES ao final. Exemplo: He goes;
  • verbos terminados em y, precedidos de consoante: acrescer IES ao final. Exemplo: She cries.

Forma interrogativa

  • O auxiliar DO (ou DOES na 3ª pessoa singular) é sempre utilizado antes do sujeito. O verbo sempre aparece no infinitivo e sem o TO.

Forma negativa

  • O auxiliar DO/DOES é seguido pelo NOT, e o verbo também aparece no infinitivo e sem o TO.

Saiba mais sobre simple present:


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