Inglês, perguntado por joaquimluis200p9tfm9, 2 meses atrás

(I wish I were, I wish I would, I wish I had......)
Use the appropriate expression according to the situation given.
a-) I don't know many people. (you'd like to change it)
b-) Ann is not here.(you'd like it to be different)
c-) When you were younger, you didn't learn how to play the piano.(regret)
d-) You want to take pictures, but you didn't bring a camera.(regret)
e-) Jill wants to go out, but it is raining.(she'd like it to be different)
f-) John is late and you are getting impatient.( you'd like it to be different)
g-) John can't go to the party. (he'd like to change it)
h-) I didn't get a taxi because I had no money.(regret)
i-) I have to work tomorrow evening. (you'd like it to be different)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por guanholon


legal, agr... COMO EU RESOLVO ISSO? n sao perguntas querido sao afirmacoes

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