Inglês, perguntado por anajuliamariano30, 8 meses atrás

Use the verbs in parentheses in the Simple Past to complete the dialogue.

Gabriel: Hi, Luana. What _________ you _____________ (do) last weekend?

Luana: I ­_______________ (run) the Marathon.

Gabriel: Oh, really! Where _______________ it?

Luana: It was in my city, to commemorate its anniversary.

Gabriel: Who _______________ you _______________ (go) with?

Luana: I _______________ (go) with my friends.

Gabriel: When _______________ it _______________ (happen)?

Luana: It _______________ (happen) on Sunday morning.

Gabriel: How _______________ you _______________(like) it?

Luana: I really _______________(enjoy) it.

Gabriel: _______________you _______________(win)?

Luana: No, we _______________(be) the last ones to arrive.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gudamasceno9

Gabriel: Hi, Luana. What was you doing (do) last weekend?

Luana: I ­_______________ (run) the Marathon.

Gabriel: Oh, really! Where was it?

Luana: It was in my city, to commemorate its anniversary.

Gabriel: Who was you going (go) with?

Luana: I went (go) with my friends.

Gabriel: When was it happening (happen)?

Luana: It happened (happen) on Sunday morning.

Gabriel: How was you liking (like) it?

Luana: I really enjoyed (enjoy) it.

Gabriel: Did you win (win)?

Luana: No, we was (be) the last ones to arrive.

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