Inglês, perguntado por joaocoletti, 5 meses atrás

Use the verb to be no passado na afirmativa ou negativa formas:
a) Allan ____________ at the theater last Saturday. ( negativa)
b) We _____________ at home last weekend. ( negativa)
c) The restaurant ___________ very good. ( afirmativa)
d) My weekend __________ sunny and hot. ( afirmativa)
e) Jim and Leo __________ at a soccer game yesterday. ( afirmativa)
f) John _________ at the bank last Monday. ( negativa)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kelly019
A. Allan wasn’t at the theater last Saturday

B. We weren’t at home last weekend

C. The restaurant was very good

D. My weekend was sunny and hot

E. Jim and Leo were at a soccer game yesterday

F. John wasn’t at the bank last bank last Monday

O passo do verbo to be é Was e Were

Usamos Was para: i, he, she e it

E were para you, we e day

Vou colocar aqui em baixo pra ficar mais fácil de você compreender:

I was

You were

She was

He was

It was

We were

You were

They were

Espero ter ajudado❣️
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