Inglês, perguntado por daniellejared, 9 meses atrás

Use the Negative Form
a) You _______________ to the beach on Sunday ( to go )
b) We ___________ in Brazil (to live)
c) I __________ a glass of milk every morning ( to drink)
d)My brother ___________ a glass of milk every morning, too(to drink)
e) The word "spaghetti" _________form China (to come)
f) The class _________at 9 o'clock.( to begin)
g) You _____________ pop music (to like)
h) My father __________________the newspaper every day ( to read)
i) It sldom _______________ in Ceará ( to rain)
j) Dolphins ___________ with one eye open ( to sleep)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Werrlley

dont Go/dont live/dont drink/ (again)/dont come/not Begin/dont like/dont Reading/dont rain/dont sleep.

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