use pronomes reflexivos : myself, yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves, yourselves,themselves. a)I cut ........ with a knife b)they never think about other people .they only think about ........ c)I go out of the bath and dried ............. d) when people are alone, they often talk to ............ e) the Police way that woman shot ................ f)don't play for me .I want to play for ............ g) he Dell off the ladder but he didn't hurt ............ h)I went on Holiday by .............. i) Jonh livre by................. j)do you sometimes talk to ............ when you are alone gente respondam rápido por favor
Soluções para a tarefa
a) I cut myself with a knife.
b) They never think about other people. They only think about themselves.
c) I got out of the bath and dried myself.
d) When people are alone, they often talk to themselves.
e) The Police say that woman shot herself.
f) Don't play for me. I want to play for myself.
g) He fell of the ladder, but he didn't hurt himself.
h) I went on Holiday by myself.
i) John lives by himself.
j) Do you sometimes talk to yourself when you are alone?
a) O sujeito é I, eu, myself.
b) They (Eles) pensam só neles mesmos (themselves).
c) O sujeito sou eu que me sequei depois do banho. De novo, I = Myself.
d) As pessoas, quando estão sozinhas, falam com elas mesmas.
e) A Polícia diz que a mulher atirou em si mesma. She shot herself.
f) Já entendeu essa, né? I = Myself
g) Ele caiu da escada, mas não se machucou. He = Himself.
h) ...
i) John está na terceira pessoa. Ele é John; He is John. He = Himself.
j) Você às vezes fala com você mesmo? You = Yourself.