Inglês, perguntado por fabiooliveiras77, 7 meses atrás

Use a sua criatividade e crie um novo final para a fábula The lion and de mouse ( o leão e o rato ) . Faça em português depois em INGLÊS. Ao terminar de elaborar o novo final expresse sua aprendizagem por meio da linguagem artística. Você irá produzir uma historinha em quadrinho (sequência de imagem e fala) no espaço abaixo.

O texto a baixo

The lion and de mouse A lion was asleep in the sun one day. A little mouse came out to play. The little mouse ran up the lion's neck and slid down his back. The lion caught him with a great big smack! 'I'm going to cat you!' the lion roared, his mouth open wide. 'No, no, please don't!' the little mouse cried. 'Be kind to me and one day I'll help you.' 'I'm a lion! You're a mouse! What can you do?' The lion laughed, very hard, and the mouse ran away. But the mouse was out walking the very next day. He heard a big roar, and squeaked when he saw the king of the jungle tied to a tree. But the mouse had a plan to set him free. The mouse worked quickly and chewed through the rope. The lion said, 'Oh little mouse, I had no hope. You were right, little mouse-thank you, I'm free. You're the best friend there ever could be!"​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CakePower

Resposta em portugues:

O leão falou: " Oh ratinho obrigada por mim ajudar"

O rato agradeceu

o leão respondeu" Mais isso não dura muito"

É o leão comeu o rato

Resposta em inglês:

The lion said: "Oh little mouse thank you for helping me"

The mouse thanked

the lion replied "But that doesn't last long"

It's the lion ate the mouse

fabiooliveiras77: muito obrigado pela ajuda
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