Inglês, perguntado por SenhorPerguntador, 6 meses atrás

02. Complete the dialog with the appropriat Question Tag.

Susan has Just come froma one-year-trip to Austrália.

Paul: hey, Sue! You´re back!

Susan: Yeah! I missed you so much, Paul...

Paul: You arrived yesterday, _______________________?

Susan: Yeah, at midnight.

Paul: And you’re here! You are very tired, ________________________?

Susan: Yes, I am. But I just passed by to see you, guys...

Paul: Ohh... Thank you... Now, tell me. How are things in Austrália? Their accent is

differnt from ours, _____________________ ?

Susan: Yeah, a lot! But you get used to it after a while.

Paul: it means you speak Australian English now, _______________________?

Susan: Yes, I do.

Paul: It’s a beautiful country, ________________________?

Susan: yes, sure. You went to New Zealand in 2002, __________________?

You know what I’m talking about, ___________________________?

Paul: Yes. I went to New Zealand but I didn’t have the opportunity to visit Australia.

You traveled a lot, __________________________?

Susan: Yes, I did. New Zelândia, Kermadec, Norfolk Lord Howe and Chantham.

Paul: Right, but Kermadec, Norfolk Lord Howe and Chantham are Islands,

__________________ ?

Susan: Yes Kermadec, Norfolk, Lord Howe e Chantham are Australia islands;

Chantham Islands to new Zealand.

Paul: Wow! That was a great adventure, ___________________________?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Question tags

Susan has just come from a one-year-trip to Austrália.

Paul: hey, Sue! You´re back!

Susan: Yeah! I missed you so much, Paul...

Paul: You arrived yesterday, didn't you?

Susan: Yeah, at midnight.

Paul: And you’re here! You are very tired, aren't you?

Susan: Yes, I am. But I just passed by to see you, guys...

Paul: Ohh... Thank you... Now, tell me. How are things in Australia? Their accent is   different from ours, isn't it?

Susan: Yeah, a lot! But you get used to it after a while.

Paul: It means you speak Australian English now, don't you?

Susan: Yes, I do.

Paul: It’s a beautiful country, isn't it?

Susan: yes, sure. You went to New Zealand in 2002, didn't you? You know what I’m talking about, don't you?

Paul: Yes. I went to New Zealand but I didn’t have the opportunity to visit Australia.   You traveled a lot, didn't you?

Susan: Yes, I did. New Zelândia, Kermadec, Norfolk Lord Howe and Chantham.

Paul: Right, but Kermadec, Norfolk Lord Howe and Chantham are Islands,

aren't they?

Susan: Yes.  Kermadec, Norfolk, Lord Howe e Chantham are Australia islands;  Chantham Islands to new Zealand.

Paul: Wow! That was a great adventure, wasn't it?

⇒⇒  Question tags    >>> são usadas para confirmar ou questionar uma determinada informação anteriormente mencionada em uma frase. (é como se fosse o nosso ''né?'')

Você vai na festa, não vai?

            ║                     ║

      afirmativa       negativa  

Você não vai na festa, né / vai?

           ║                            ║

    negativa                afirmativa

→→ A ''question tag'' sempre aparece no fim da sentença, separada por uma vírgula e ponto de interrogação no final.

→→ A ''question tag'' tem que usar o mesmo verbo que está na primeira parte da frase, não se esquecendo dos auxiliares do - does - did e ''modal verbs'', quando necessário.

→→ Se a sentença está na forma afirmativa, a ''question tag'' tem que ser na forma negativa.

You are studying German, aren't you?

→→ Se a sentença está na forma negativa, a ''question tag'' tem que ser na forma afirmativa.

She is not going home, is she?

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SenhorPerguntador: obrigado mesmo por sua ajuda
SenhorPerguntador: (:
SenhorPerguntador: teria como vc me ajudar com minhas perguntas de português?
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