Inglês, perguntado por vidajulia74, 2 meses atrás


1.Rewrite the sentences using the future perfect.
a) by the time/finish school/be/extremely tired/I
b) he/study/all the lesson/by the end of the day
c) by the end of 2010/things/change/a lot
d) until the end of evening/we/fi nish/the last examination
e) by the evening of the next year/we/accomplish/another step

2. Complete the exercise using the proper relative pronoun.


a) The book _________________________________ I bought is just wonderful.
b) She walked the dog ____________________ dug a hole in your back yard.
c) He is the scientist ___________________________ works were published.
e) That is the lady to _______________________ I was talking the other day.
f) He is the scientist__________________________ published many books.
g) The concert _______________________they watched last night was wonderful.
h) The group ........................................................... I took part is presenting a report.
i) The member of the group ................................................. I met at school, was sick.
j) The boy ............................................................ bicycle was stolen called the police.

3. Make one sentence out of two.
a) The performance was marvelous. I attended last night.
b) She is the girl. She speaks English and French fl uently.
c) I like people. They always tell the truth.
d) They are the pioneers. They arrived here at fi rst.
e) Here is the book. Its cover has your name on it.

4. Continue the sentences correctly. Use the conditional sentences.
a) If we eat too much fat, ..............................................................................................
b) You may be sick if ......................................................................................................
c) They are going to have problems if .........................................................................
d) If my parents have money, they ...............................................................................
e) I ......................................................... next weekend if I pass my examination test.



NewFast English Book 3


5. Supply the correct verb tense.
a) I ............................................................................................. if I had time. (to go out)
b) If they studied hard, they ..................................................... good grades. (to have)
c) If teachers encouraged students, they ........................................... easily. (to learn)
d) They new system would work./If it ........................................... really good. (to be)
e) If I ............................................................................ you, I would be very shy. (to be)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sergiovskowluu9


1.Rewrite the sentences using the future perfect.

a) by the time/finish school/be/extremely tired/I

By the time I finish school, I will have been extremely tired.

b) he/study/all the lesson/by the end of the day

By the ebd of the day, he will have studied all the lesson.

c) by the end of 2010/things/change/a lot

By the end of 2010, things will have changed a lot.

d) until the end of evening/we/fi nish/the last examination

By the end of the evening, we will have finished the last examination.

e) by the evening of the next year/we/accomplish/another step

By the end of next year, we will have accomplished another step.


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