3. Make one sentence out of two.
a) The performance was marvelous. I attended last night.
b) She is the girl. She speaks English and French fl uently.
c) I like people. They always tell the truth.
d) They are the pioneers. They arrived here at fi rst.
e) Here is the book. Its cover has your name on it.
4. Continue the sentences correctly. Use the conditional sentences.
a) If we eat too much fat, ..............................................................................................
b) You may be sick if ......................................................................................................
c) They are going to have problems if .........................................................................
d) If my parents have money, they ...............................................................................
e) I ......................................................... next weekend if I pass my examination test.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Relative pronouns
⇒⇒ Conditionals
3. Make one sentence out of two.
a) The performance which I attended lst night, was marvelous.
b) She is the girl who speaks English and French fluently.
c) I like people who always tell the truth.
d) They are the pioneers that arrived here at first.
e) Here is the book whose cover has your name on it.
4. Continue the sentences correctly. Use the conditional sentences.
a) If we eat too much fat, we will gain weight.
b) You may be sick if you don't eat healthy food.
c) They are going to have problems if they don't wake up at 7am.
d) If my parents have money, they will buy a new house.
e) I will go to the club next weekend if I pass my examination test.
→→ Relative pronoun / Pronome relativo >>> une duas frases, que são chamadas de ''relative clauses''. As ‘’relative clauses’’ modificam o substantivo, acrescentando mais informações sobre o substantivo.
→ The girl, who arrived with my brother, is my cousin.
→ Denzel Washington, who lives in Los Angeles, is a famous actor.
→ The car that is parked in front of my house is my mom's car.
→ I had fever when I was in Las Vegas.
→ The bookstore is a place where you can buy books.
→→ Most common relative pronouns
Who quem, que, o qual - usado para pessoas
Which que, o qual, o que - usado para coisas
Where onde, em que, no qual, no que - usado para lugares
When quando, no qual (plurais e feminino) - usado para tempo
That que - usado para coisas ou pessoas
Whose de quem - usado para pessoas ou objetos >> não é comum
Whom com quem - usado para pessoas
Why por que...?
How como...?
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