Inglês, perguntado por GyuliaSamp, 8 meses atrás


On February 14th, Americans

celebrate Valentine's Day, the day of love

and affection.

The origin of the name comes from St.

Valentine. He was a priest in Rome who

helped the persecuted Christians. So he was

sent to prison and was beaten to death on

February 14th, about 270 A.D. The romantic meaning of the day comes from the fact that it

coincided with the Romam festival Lupercalia. This festival was held on February 15th in honor

of the birds which would choose their partners for the mating season on this day. According

to the legend, the birds took their big decision on February 14th. Then human beings were

encouraged to follow the example for the birds.

One of the beauties of St. Valentine's Day is that it helps people overcome their shyness.

In the nineteenth century, young people started sending anonymous Valentine cards to the

boy or girl of their dreams.

A "valentine" is a greeting card declaring a person's love for someone usually without

giving the name of the sender. The person to whom a "valentine" is sent is also called


Nowadays people still send cards and presents not only to their sweethearts, but also

to their best friends and relatives.

de acordo com o texto acima. Corrija em seu caderno de Inglês a frase Errada:

One of the beauties of St. Valentine's Day is that it helps people overcome their sadness.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alicebizonha

oiie mais oq é para fazer na tarefa de inglês?

GyuliaSamp: vc tem que corrigir essa frase do final da questão de acordo com o texto
GyuliaSamp: A frase está em ingles e a tradução é
GyuliaSamp: Uma das belezas do Dia dos Namorados é que ajuda as pessoas a superar sua tristeza.
alicebizonha: ok vc pode traduzir no tradutor
GyuliaSamp: não moça,eu preciso que corrija a frase entendeu?
GyuliaSamp: A frase é Uma das belezas do Dia dos Namorados é que ajuda as pessoas a superar sua tristeza. preciso que corrija ela
alicebizonha: ss
alicebizonha: oie
alicebizonha: desculpa não vou poder te ajudar pq vc nao tenta responder vc é inteligente boa sorte para responder a questão
GyuliaSamp: vlw
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