Inglês, perguntado por martinsgui250, 9 meses atrás

8ª) Complete the sentences below.

1. I didn’t … the answer to the last

test question yesterday.

a) know b) knew c) knows

2. (A) Are you busy now?

(B) Yes, I ….

a) are b) was c) am

3. How many people … at the meeting

last week?

a) were b) was c) are

4. I … a new pair of sunglasses on


a) buy b) bought c) buys

5. Why … Mr. and Mrs. Smith at home


a) aren’t b) don’t c) isn’t

9ª) Complete these sixteen sentences

to score your knowledge of WILL


1.Let’s go to the beach tomorrow! 9. My friend … on time because the

I think it … sunny. bus was late.

a) will be b) won’t be c) won’t a) will be

2.Thomas is sick, so he … in class 10. I will clean the living room but I …

today. clean the kitchen.

a) won’t be b) will c) will be a) will

3.(A) … your brother be here soon? 11. Jennifer doesn’t think she … ready

(B) Yes, he …. to leave in half an hour.

a) Won’t be / will be a) will be

b) Will be / will c) Will / will b) won’t be

4.My family and I … fly to Spain on 12. There … any food left if we arrive at

our holiday. the party late.

a) will b) won’t be c) will be a) won’t be

5. My sister … busy at three o’clock, 13. You … so tired tomorrow if you go to

so, you can call back at that time. bed earlier.

a) will b) won’t be c) will be a) will be

14. We don’t have any milk, so I … go

to the store to buy some.

a) won’t be

b) won’t

c) will

tgrbrc: as frases tão meio emboladas

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nanda230106


1. I didn't know the answer to the last test question yesterday.

2. Am

3. Were

4. Bought

5. Aren't

9-1. Will be







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