Inglês, perguntado por princesalinda69, 6 meses atrás

When someone sees ___________, they think I am my twin sister, Anna. __________ don’t know the difference, but our school friends do.

They say _________ am  more intelligent than her! In reality, it’s easy for them because ________ study in different classes. When our father looks at __________, he always sees the difference. We can’t play jokes on _________! When people visit our house, they also know the difference. Anna likes books and _________ is always reading. But I prefer to play games on the computer. We love being twins!


a) me  –  They  –  I  –  we  –  us  –  him  –  she

b) I –  Them  –  me  –  us  –  we  –  he  –  her

c) I  –  They  –  I  –  we  –  us  –  he  –  her

d) me  –  They  –  I  –  we  –  we  –  he  –  she

e) me  –  Them  –  me  –  us  –  us  –  him  –  her

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Wladia74


a resposta é a alternativa a)

Respondido por gioo0


A resposta correta é a opção A.


They say I am  more intelligent than her! In reality, it’s easy for them because we study in different classes. When our father looks at us, he always sees the difference. We can’t play jokes on him! When people visit our house, they also know the difference. Anna likes books and she is always reading. But I prefer to play games on the computer. We love being twins!

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