Inglês, perguntado por sla0527, 3 meses atrás

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Greece Greece is a country in Europe.

The capital city is Athens, which is a very _____________ (beautiful/ beauty) city with many very ______________(elder/old) monuments. One very ____________ (fame/famous) monument is the Acropolis. There are lots of islands in Greece, so there is a very _____________ (long/length) coastline. Many tourists go to Greece on holiday to enjoy the warm _____________ (blue/yellow) sea and to eat the _____________(taste/tasty) Greek food. Greeks eat a lot of ____________ (freshly/fresh) fish and vegetables. Greek houses are usually ______________ (white/whiter) and have _______________ (flat/flatly) roofs. People can use these roofs to dry the fruit in the _____________ (hot/hottest) summer and collect rainwater in the winter. ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por auroraf2426afds



beautiful,/old,famous,blue,tasty fresh,flatly,hottest

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