Inglês, perguntado por bia739463, 8 meses atrás


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Brazil The soul of the Northeast in the sound of Gonzaga
No other Brazilian artist managed to translate the feelings of the people of the Northeast as well as Luiz Gonzaga
(começo do texto ) -> For decades he sang of the joy and the pain, and the anguish [1 of the people in the Northeast. He used to dress like a cowboy, and he wore a traditional Cangaço hat [2]. His songs dealt with Northeastern migrants and their constant longing 131 for the homeland. For the singer Elba Ramalho, Luiz Gonzaga is the greatest icon of the Northeast. "He sang about the sky, the drought, the birds of the outback [41. love, and Saint John," the singer said in an interview with Globo News. Gonzaga was bom in Exu. Pernambuco, on December 13, 1912. He started to become successful from the 1940s a time when most people were unaware [5] of Northeastern rhythms, such as baião, xaxado, and xole. His biggest hit was. Asa Branca" recorded in 1947. The accordionist [6] Gonzagão recorded dozens of albums during his brilliant career From father to son While his professional life took off|7], his personal life was not a bed of roses [8]. Luiz Gonzaga had a bad relationship with his son, Gonzaguinha, but from 1979 they began to get on beiter. Like his father Gonzaguinha was an excellent song writer. In 1979 and 1980 they traveled together around Brazil, playing shows. Luiz Gonzaga died in 1989. His son, Gonzaguinha, died in 1991, killed in a car accident. Gonzaga's life story was adapted for the cinema. The film "Gonzaga - de pai para filho,"( directed by Breno Silveira, was released in late October edicão de dezembro da revista Maganews.)​

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Respondido por yasminejesus



1. Traduza o texto a seguir e elabore quatro (04) perguntas com respostas: Brasil A alma do Nordeste ao som de Gonzaga Nenhum outro artista brasileiro conseguiu traduzir os sentimentos do povo nordestino tão bem quanto Luiz Gonzaga (começo do texto) -> Por décadas ele cantou a alegria e a dor, e a angústia [1 do povo nordestino. Costumava se vestir como vaqueiro, e usava o tradicional chapéu do Cangaço [2]. Suas canções versavam sobre os migrantes nordestinos e sua constante saudade da pátria. Para a cantora Elba Ramalho, Luiz Gonzaga é o maior ícone do Nordeste. “Ele cantou sobre o céu, a seca, os pássaros do sertão [41. amor e São João”, disse o cantor em entrevista à Globo News. Gonzaga nasceu em Exu. Pernambuco, em 13 de dezembro de 1912. Começou a fazer sucesso a partir da década de 1940, época em que a maioria das pessoas desconhecia [5] os ritmos nordestinos, como o baião, o xaxado e o xole. Seu maior sucesso foi. Asa Branca "gravou em 1947. O acordeonista [6] Gonzagão gravou dezenas de discos ao longo de sua brilhante carreira De pai para filho Enquanto sua vida profissional decolava

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