Inglês, perguntado por fetrireispd27xb, 7 meses atrás

(Urgente) Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
a) My flight hasn't arrive already.
b) I haven't never visit this museum.
c) Have you watch yet the documentary about England?
d) I have seen Julie yesterday morning.
e) Our class has just readed Machado de Assis many times.
f) Have you already being to China? No, it's the first time ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cecimoretti04
My flight hasn’t arrived already.
I have never visited this museum.
Have you watched the documentary about England yet?
I saw Julie yesterday morning.
Our class has read Machado de Assis many times.
Have you ever been to China? No, it’s the first time.

fetrireispd27xb: obr
Respondido por hgelromreisa


my flight didn't arrive already

I had never visit this museum

have you watch the documentary about england yet?

I had seen Julie yesterday morning.

our class had just read machado de assis many times

had you ever been in china already? no, it's the first time.

Espero que esteja tudo correto, bons estudos!!!

fetrireispd27xb: obr
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