Inglês, perguntado por gilvandrasantos567, 5 meses atrás

Urgente !!!
7 - Unscramble
a) school - by car - I - go to - want to
b) go to - We always - by bicycle - the park
c) like - to go - We don't - on foot- to church
d) to play - They - outside- don't like
e) She - to go - wants - him- home with
f) go downtown - want to - They - with her
g) to go - He -office by - doesn't like - bus - to the
h) like to - What - play - do you -?
i) to play - you - want - Where do -?
1) like to - Do - play chess - - you?
k) they - play the - Do - like to - drums - ?
1) likes - She - to - soccer - play​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por umapessoa0189
A) I want to go to school by car
B) we always go to the park by bicycle
C) we don’t like to go to church on foot
D) they don’t like to play outside
E) she wants to go home with him
F) they want to go downtown with her
G) he doesn’t like to go to the office by bus
H) what do you like to play?
I) where do you want to play?
J) do you like to play chess?
K) do they like to play the drums?
L) she likes to play soccer
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