Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 8 meses atrás


F - Write affirmative (+) and negative (-) sentences, using was / wasn't and were / weren't.
we / at the movies / on Sunday afternoon (+)
We were at the movies on Sunday afternoon.
you / happy / with your new braces (-)
our teacher / at school this morning (-)
I / at a concert / last night (+)
the man's hair / gray (+)
the children / very happy / at the party (+)
we / at drama club / on Tuesday (-)

G - Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
ago evening in last ten minutes week yesterday

We were at the movies yesterday evening.
My dad was in New York last _____________.
My birthday party was a week _____________.
I was late for school _____________ morning.
Jonathan's baby brother was born _____________ month.
Mercedes was in the living room _____________ ago.
My Australian cousins were here _____________ 2011.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dudviv
F nao sei.

G week
ten minutes
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