Inglês, perguntado por Wesleyzx, 8 meses atrás

Unscramble the words and choose the correct sentence: a) teaching / Jane / Portuguese / is 1 ponto Is Jane teaching Portuguese? Jane is teaching Portuguese. Teaching Portuguese is Jane b) building / they / house / are / next year / a /? 1 ponto They house next year are a building? Next year a house they building are? Are they building a house next year? c) hard / you / very / working / are 1 ponto You are working very hard. Are you working hard very. Very hard working you are.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laura8595487
a) Jane is teaching portuguese.
b) Are they building a house next year?
c) You are working very hard.
Respondido por Zeldris208


b) building / they / house / are / next year


espero ter te ajudado

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