Inglês, perguntado por anacrislainyc, 8 meses atrás

Unscramble the sentences a)home,/eat/lunch/at/don't/i ? B) School/to/go/7:00./i/at ? C)collect/you/catds?/Trading/do ? D)piano /Ellen/day./every/the/practices? E)keyboard?/have / Do / you / an / electric F)night ./ David / doesn't/ out / go / on / friday

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por juliaof051125


A- I don't eat lunch at home

B- I go to school at 7:00

C- Do you collect trending cards?

D- Ellen practices the piano every day

E- Do you have an electric keyboard?

F- David doesn't go out in friday night

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