Inglês, perguntado por liniquematos, 8 meses atrás

Unscramble :
1-everything, please, I, her, did , to
2- they ,expecting, people ,are , a ,lot
3-don’t , American , think , I Citizen , is , an , he
4-minimum , China , what’s , in, wage , the

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tania2019


1) I did to her everything, please ou Please, I did to her everything.

2) They are expecting people a lot

3) I don't think he is an american citizen

4) What's is the minimum wage in China?


Respondido por ricardogepfricholive


Explicação: 1 I did everything to her please

2 they people are expecting a lot

3 I Citizen American don't he think is an

4 what’s the wage minimum, in China?

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