Inglês, perguntado por FluttershyCutte, 4 meses atrás

(UNIP) It’s ________ honor to meet ________ young lady from Sweden.
a) a / an
b) an / an
c) a / a
d) an / a
Preencha corretamente com os artigos: 'a', 'an' ou 'the':
My sister went to the beach last month. She met_____ girl there who was born in Goiânia. When they went to
____ restaurant they noticed that ____place was amazing. There was ___ picture of ____ Elephant.
a) a, the, a, a, an.
b) a, the, the, a, an.
c) a, the, an, an, an.
d) a, an, the, a,an.
________ Pacific and ________ Atlantic are ________ oceans. ________ Alps are ________ mountains, and
________ Amazon is a river.
a) The / … / the/ … /the/ …
b) … / the / … / … / … / the
c) The / the / … / the / … / the
d) The / the / … / … / … / the
Escolha a opção correta:
There is______ excellent lawyer in______office I know.
a) a, the.
b) an, an.
c) a, an.
d) an, the.
Marque a alternativa que NÃO está correta:
a) An excellent idea you have!
b) An one-armed man.
c) A new concept of fashion.
d) A word in front of us.
Complete using the definite article “THE” just when it will be necessary.
a) Louise is prettiest girl in this school.
b) Moon is bright tonight!
c) Love is all everybody wants!
d) Do you believe that girl we met earlier told us she also sings very well?
e) All children likes chocolate.
(MACK-SP) - Paul, _____ doctor, was _____ first person in _____ city to swim in _____
Mississipi River on _____ tenth of _____ October, 1970 and in ____ Lake Michigan in _____
a) a - the - X - the - X - X - the – X
b) a - the - the - the - the - X - X – the
c) the - the - X - the - the - X - X – the
d) a - X - the - the - the - the - X – the
e) an - the - the - the - the - X - X – the
(FAC.DIR.-PR.) Smith, _____ man you met yesterday is _____ honest man.
a) the – the
b) the – an
c) an – the
d) a – a
e) the - a
_______angry boyfriend is ______unpredictable man.
a) A – an
b) The – a
c) An – an
d) An – …
e)… – the

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CamilaGabyLeme


It’s AN honor to meet A young lady from Sweden.

d) an / a

Preencha corretamente com os artigos: 'a', 'an' ou 'the':

My sister went to the beach last month. She met A girl there who was born in Goiânia. When they went to THE restaurant they noticed that THE place was amazing. There was A picture of AN Elephant.

b) a, the, the, a, an.

THE Pacific and THE Atlantic are oceans. THE Alps are mountains, and THE Amazon is a river.

c) The / the / … / the / … / the

Escolha a opção correta:

There is AN excellent lawyer in THE office I know.

d) an, the.

Marque a alternativa que NÃO está correta:

b) An one-armed man.

Complete using the definite article “THE” just when it will be necessary.

a) Louise is THE prettiest girl in this school.

b) THE Moon is bright tonight!

c) Love is all everybody wants! (correta)

d) Do you believe that THE girl we met earlier told us she also sings very well?

e) All children likes chocolate. (correta)

(MACK-SP) Paul, A doctor, was THE first person in THE city to swim in THE Mississipi River on THE tenth of October, 1970 and in Lake Michigan in THE


b) a - the - the - the - the - X - X – the

(FAC.DIR.-PR.) Smith, THE man you met yesterday is AN honest man.

b) the – an

AN angry boyfriend is AN unpredictable man.

c) An – an

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