Inglês, perguntado por joaquimsilveiralu1, 1 ano atrás

uma ajudinha aki pfvr​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Paula7853


1- The car was very clean

2h Her father was not working that night.

3- Two dogs were fighting because of the bone.

4- Was who did it? you it.

5- Were they not guilty?

joaquimsilveiralu1: mt obrigado <3
Respondido por Daraxx


4- The car very was clean.

O carro estava muito limpo.

Her father was not working that night.

O pai dela não estava trabalhando naquela noite.

Two dogs were fighting because the of bone.

Dois cães estavam brigando por causa do osso.

Was it you who did it?

Foi você quem fez isso?

Were they not guilty?

Eles não eram culpados?

Espero ter ajudado!!

joaquimsilveiralu1: e me ajudou d+ <3
Daraxx: Mgn.. não tenho certeza se estão todas na ordem correta, eu acredito q sim
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