Uma ajuda em inglês por favor!

Soluções para a tarefa
easy - less easy than - as easy as - the easiest
calm - less calm than - as calm as - the calmest
fat - less fat than - as fat as - the fattest
exciting - less exciting than - as exciting as - the most exciting
strong - less strong than - as strong as - the strongest
safe - less safe than - as safe as - the safest
careful - less careful than - less careful as - the most careful
Estrutura do comparativo de igualdade
as + adjetivo ou advérbio + as - nas frases afirmativas - tão...quanto
David is as strong as John.
not as + adjetivo ou advérbio + as - nas frases negativas
not - não tanto... quanto
John is not as strong as David.
Estrutura Comparativo de inferioridade
Less + adjetivo + than
John is less strong than David.
Comparativo de superioridade >> Adjetivos com até duas sílabas, a regra é acrescentar ‘’-er’’ ao adjetivo e incluir a palavra ‘’than’’ que significa ‘’do que’’.
Exemplos: strong (forte) - stronger than (mais forte do que)
John is strong but David is stronger than John.
fast (rápido) - faster than (mais rápido do que)
Trains are fast but planes are faster than trains.
Adjetivos com mais de 3 sílabas >>> acrescenta ''the most''
intelligent - the most intelligent
exciting - the most exciting
special - the most special