Inglês, perguntado por Fabricio09, 1 ano atrás

Um texto pequeno com os verbos: can, could e may.
Muito obg!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Corsair
Can e could têm o significado de pode ou poderia e são usados para pedir um favor a alguém, para pedir permissão, ou para pedir alguma coisa.

Can you open the door, please?
Can you please help me with this research? I´m running out of time...
Can you wait a moment, please? I´ll be there in a moment..
Can I have an autograph?
Can I sit here with you?

Could I use your phone, please..?
Could you open the door, please..?
Could I have a hamburguer and fries to go, please...?
Could you wait a moment, please...?

No caso de May, é usado de uma forma mais formal, mas com o mesmo significado  de can e could.

May I borrow your umbrella?
May I use your phone, please..?
I haven´t decided yet where to spend my holidays. I may go to Mexico

That´s all folks...!

Respondido por jonasadiel
    Writing a text by yourself is not that easy, I dont know exactly what I can write, or, may I just copy a text from another place? Well, anyway,  I have already writen a small text, and that is all what I needed or could do. I'm not that criative, actually.

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