Inglês, perguntado por junin23, 1 ano atrás

um dialogo entre duas pessoas que acabaram de se conhecer que contem vinte linhas

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por JuliaL19
J- HI, HOW are you? L- HELLO, I'M FINE AND YOU? J- I'M FINE TOO. L- PLEASURE, I'M LUCAS, WHAT'S YOUR NAME? J- I'M Julia, pleasure L- HM, COOL, HOW OLD are you? J- I'M 15 and you? L- I'M 18. You live here? J- oh, no, I'm from Brazil, and you? L- I'M from here, you study? J- yes, I'm high school and you? Study? L- Yes, I'm in college. J- oh cool, college of what? L- medicine J- wow, very nice. L- what did you plan to do? J- I'M think veterinary! L- very nice too! J- yeah, I'm enjoying talking to you but I have to go, sorry! L- yeah, okay, see you! J- bye, see you! L - bye!
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