Inglês, perguntado por jeniferfentynavy, 1 ano atrás

UFTM 2010 – 2 fase

Instrução: Responda às questões de números 01 a 04 de acordo com o texto.

Brazil... Life is a Carnival
Iman Kurdi, 23 March 2010

Visiting Brazil is my first experience of being in a BRIC country. I have never been to Russia, India or China, the other three countries that make up the BRIC acronym, so I was intrigued to see what an economic success story looks like.
My first port of call is Rio de Janeiro, possibly the most beautiful city I have ever visited but also in some respects the most disconcerting. As a tourist you are warned to be not just careful but weary, making you constantly aware of potential danger, and consequently it is hard to feel entirely relaxed. As a human being it is hard not to feel distressed at the sight of the sprawling Favelas where hundreds of thousands live in enduring misery. I was shocked to see that there are now Favela Tours on the tourist trail. I find the idea that the Favelas have now become a tourist attraction somewhat obscene. And though the middle class is growing fast, one in four remains below the poverty line. All the stereotypes are quickly confirmed. First, of course, there is the beach culture with the women wearing the tiniest bikinis I have seen. Then there is the national passion for football. In Rio, I saw them play on the beach, in the street, in parks, anywhere they could kick a ball. In Brasilia I noticed how the villas of the rich often have their own football fields. Then there is the samba and the capacity to party. Brazilians are a fun-loving people. It is just as you expect it to be.
What you don’t expect are the prices. The days when Brazil was a cheap place to visit are long gone. A cup of coffee in Rio is as expensive as New York or Paris. Entrance prices to the main tourist attractions are priced in the same range as tourist attractions in London.
The Brazilian economy is thriving. It was one of the last countries to be hit by the financial crisis and has been one of the first to emerge from recession. However, poverty and income inequality remain serious problems in Brazil, with the crime and security issues that naturally follow.
( Adaptado.)


01 Responda em português, de acordo com o texto.

a) Quais países BRIC a autora do texto visitou?
b) No trecho do primeiro parágrafo, a qual país a autora se refere como an economic success story?

02 Responda em português, segundo as informações do texto.

a) Por que os turistas não ficam totalmente relaxados no Rio de Janeiro?
b) Que impressão a autora teve das favelas do Rio de Janeiro?

03 Responda em português, segundo as informações do texto.

a) Mesmo com o crescimento da classe média, que dado o texto apresenta sobre a pobreza?
b) Que estereótipos sobre os cariocas a autora confirmou ao visitar o Rio de Janeiro?

04 Answer the following in English, according to the text.

a) What didn’t the author expect about Brazil?
b) Although economy is growing, what are the challenges Brazil has to overcome?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AnaLuisaVogel
1- a) Apenas o Brasil.
    b) Ao próprio Brasil.

2- a) Por causa de todos os avisos para ter cuidado na cidade.
    b) Ela achou desconcertante.

3- a) Que a uma em cada quatro pessoas ainda está abaixo da linha de pobreza.
    b) O fato de o brasileiro amar futebol e de que nos temos um vício com relação à praia.

4- a) The expensive things.
    b) Crimes and security.
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