Translate the sentences using the Simple Past ( traduza as frases usando o passado simples):
Vocês não foram à escola ontem.
Eles contaram a verdade sobre o Coronavírus.
Ela viajou sozinha.
Ela tentou ler o livro?
Ele pagou as contas ontem.
Minha irmã não terminou a tarefa ( licão de casa) dela.
O que você cozinhou para o almoço?
Ela teve febre.
Nós compramos comida durante a pandemia.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
You didn't go to school yesterday.
They told the truth about Coronavirus.
She traveled alone.
Did she try to read the book?
He paid the bills yesterday.
My sister did not finish her homework.
What did you cook for lunch?
She had a fever.
We bought food during the pandemic.
Respondido por
You didn't go to school yesterday
They told the truth about Coronavirus
She traveled alone.
Did she try to read the book?
My sister didn't finish her task
What did you cook for lunch?
She had a fever
We bought food during the pandemic.
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